Many businesses are growing exponentially as their staff is well qualified and experienced as well. When your team is strong then your business will grow very fast as they all know the right method to do work. If your team is not working properly or they need up-gradation then you must have to enroll them into any auditor course and customize the course according to your business needs. We recommend you to visit our site and tryan internal auditor course for your employees. This is a very powerful course as it will change the working way of your employees. The duration of the course is about 7 hours and the course fee is 350 dollars per pax.
The internal auditor course objective will be:
- Understanding the requirement and charges for ISO 9001:2015
- Acquiring the skills to conduct an internal audit and fundamental knowledge as well
- How to do an internal audit based on ISO 19011:2018 requirement
The target audience of the internal auditor course will be:
- Management representative
- Middle managers
- Functional heads
- Quality practitioners
- Designated internal auditors for the company
The course content will be:
- Introduction and ice breaker
- Overview of course outline
- Terms and definitions used in an audit
- Principles of an audit
- Managing an audit program
- Workflow on conducting an adult
- Audit strategy
- Syndicate exercise : non-conformance & issues
- Milestone and timeline of ISO 9001:2015
- Generic changes in ISO 9001:2015
- Specific changes in ISO 9001:2015
- Syndicate Test & exercise – audit checklist preparation
- MCQ test – concepts & requirements
- Case studies test (spotting non-conformance)
All the above information is very important to know so that you can decide it is important for you or not. If you have any kind of query regarding the course fee or the module then you can use our customer support service. They will solve all your queries, doubts regarding the internal auditor course.